Copy this URL and paste it on a new browser tab and change its size to 1024 or 2048 in the copied URL.In the “ ” section, you will notice a URL in the “ src= URL.”.Move your mouse and click the “ svg -> foreignObject -> div ->img.You will notice some code will be highlighted in the inspect element.Tap on the profile picture of the target user.Once it opens, open the selector by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + C keyboard keys.Once their profile appears, press the Ctrl + Shift + I keyboard keys to open the “ Inspect Element.”.Once logged in, find the target user and right-click on their name.Click the “ Open Discord in your browser” button and log in if you haven’t already.Open your browser and visit Discord’s website.For this case, we are working with the Chrome browser. When you do so, you can view someone’s Discord profile and get an enlarged version of their profile picture. When you are accessing your Discord account on a browser, it’s possible to open the developer tab for your browser.

Once you access it, you can save it on your device’s storage.

However, there are three tricks you can use to bypass this limitation and access someone’s profile picture. Hence, when you want to get someone’s profile picture, it becomes challenging. Discord doesn’t give an enlarged view of someone’s profile picture.