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When you clear the screen her anger will go back down and you'll get a new formation of eggs to beak as fast as possible. In Stomped Puzzle the mother dino gets mad when you break the eggs and will lower the roof when her anger reaches the top of the meter. When the sand runs out in the hourglass the dino Whirley will come flapping, trying to add a new colour to the eggs making in more difficult and you have to shoot him down for it not to happen.

In Endless Puzzle you have to shoot eggs at the eggs pushed down the screen, making matches of three or more, to break them and make them fall before they reach the rope at the bottom. It has four modes Endless Puzzle, Stomped Puzzle, Fossil Challenge and Time Trial.

I played it for the first time back in the 90' and it has the same features now as then. The size of the box though, will not be much larger than the screenshot on this page - that small! It's a fun little game, and when I say little I mean it! The graphics are long outdated and you'll have to run it in boxed mode just to not be annoyed by it.